I never thought it would happen. It's always been a thought in my mind, but never an actual reality. Friday night Sini told me we were going out to brunch with his family. He told me that one of their clients wanted to take them out to brunch. Sini told me to wear something nice....so I did...I also wore heels (to complete the outfit). At 10:30am Sini was supposed to pick me up, but instead I received a phone call telling me to come outside. When I walked outside one of Sini's cousins "Lee" was standing in my driveway holding a poster board with a riddle on it. If any of you know me, you KNOW that I love riddles and I love games! Sini had put together a "little" treasure hunt for me. Each riddle would lead me to the next destination. The first destination was where Sini FIRST asked for my number (which was my ward building). The second destination was our favorite park. The third was Temple Square. The fourth was Ensign Peak (the gardens at the base of the peak)...The fifth destination (remember what I'm wearing folks..."something nice" with heels!).....the TOP of Ensign Peak! *Thoughts going through my mind when I read the clue* "Are you serious? For real? No are you serious? Does he know I'm wearing stilettos? Should we call him and tell him I'm not dressed for hiking? Well...I walked up anyway...I figured if he went to all the trouble to plan it I should at least TRY to hike up this mountain....word to the wise...never hike in stilettos! So...anyway...it was really hard to walk up the mountain...so we ended up calling him and letting him know the situation...at the end of the conversation I was still supposed to meet him up there but as we were walking up...he...and an entourage of people (some carrying musical instruments) started walking down. As soon as I saw all the people walking down with him my heart sank! I felt SO bad for whining about my shoes. Was that it? Did I miss it? Was he going to propose? NOPE! As we were hiking down the mountain (an even harder task...I acutally had to

remove my shoes and walk barefoot)

At that point my mom called me and told me that my dad needed to speak with me before he went to work and that I needed to rush home right away. Without any complaint Sini agreed to take me home right away...but we needed to drop off some of his entourage at his house. When we got to Sini's house he told me his mom had some stuff for my dad, and he asked if I would help him carry it outside...mind you the whole time I'm worried about getting home so my dad doesn't get mad so I was rushing Sini and everyone in the car....when I walked into Sini's house my family AND Sini's family were all there. Sini said a lot of sweet things and then finally....he got down on one knee pulled out a ring box from his pocket and asked "Jenilyn Fa'ilagi Su'a, will you marry me?" Just so you all know I was bawling (something I made fun of others for doing) and couldn't speak so I just nodded my head enthusiastically! I didn't even look at the ring (I just didn't care) all I wanted to do was hug Sini. After several moments I composed myself and realized that after all this time I was engaged to the man of my dreams. I also realized that Sini was trying to put something on my left hand.....O-M-G!

I feel so blessed. I just keep saying that in my mind. I honestly don't know how I could be this happy.
Oh wow!!! What a great story! I LOVE hearing engagment stories!
CONGRAT'S Jen, I am so happy for you! Wish I was there too, to join in on all the wedding festivities!!
Good luck!!
O-M-G is right!!! You're ring is gorgeous and that is the sweetest story I've ever heard. I'm so glad you found your Jacob Black!
Gorgeous girl! He sounds like a keeper!!! I'm SO happy for you Jenilyn and that it is all happening for you...I couldn't imagine anyone more deserving!!!
Hey Jenilyn!
It's Monica... (I found your blog through Noelle's). What a sweet proposal story and that rock?! Holy Moly! Congratulations!
We have a blog but it's private, send me your email and I'll send an invite.
Love, Monica
congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the ring is beautiful!!!!!!! (ps this is kaitlin)
I know it's been awhile since this post, I just wanted to say congrats from your cousins up north. I look forward to your small and intimate wedding!
WOW! beautiful ring! Congratulations on the engagement! That was a great way for him to propose!
So what, I'm a blog stalker, and I stalk people! Don't judge me! I saw your blog on McKennas and I'm so glad I did because that is the cutest proposal story! I'm so happy for you guys. And I will just keep a stalkin' from here on out :)
oh, i am so happy for you congrats! btw: i love your blog!
hey, blogs aren't suppose to make me cry! he sounds like a good guy. just reading your blogs, i can feel how happy you are being married to sini. congratulations Jenilyn, you two are a beautiful couple!
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