My sister is nothing less than a genius folks. I had no intentions of dressing up this year..I never really get into Halloween (I feel like everything has been done already). Every year my sister always has really funny & creative ideas (i.e. last year she was a jelly fish it actually turned out really good). Since this year is my FIRST Halloween with Sini I decided to ask my sister for help. Jamie (my sis) put together a "loofah" costume for herself this year...and I was very eager to copy her (my sis is really cool like that so she had no problem with me stealing her idea)....then she suggested that Sini be the soap....we went to the craft store and voila! The birth of "So fresh & so clean" was born hahahaha. I am on the activities committee for my singles ward and we had a dance for halloween so I was really excited to show off our costumes! They were a big hit! One of the best parts about it was that my dad couldn't stop laughing. While my sister was making Sini's costume my dad had doubts that Sini would cooperate, however Sini is very laid back and was willing to do whatever it takes to make me happy...*sigh* so lucky :) Over all Halloween '08 was fantastic!

you should change your last line to halloween '08 instead of '09, i'm pretty sure i didn't lose a whole year recently....
I think your costumes are so freaking cute! Shout out to Jamie Su'a! You two make such a cute couple!
That is such a great idea! I love your costumes!!
Hahahahahahahahaha! What a great idea.
Ok, I thought i was seriously going crazy when I saw you put 09' I looked at it and thought, "I know im pregnant but I didnt know it was 2009!" I stand corrected, its only 2008 and you are the one loosing your mind!! FOR ONCE ITS NOT ME!! Besides going crazy, your costumes are so fun and way awesome! What a trooper he is to dress up and be so fresh and clean! AwEsome! Im so glad you guys are having a ton of fun!
waaay cute but isn't it halloween 08?
check out my blog....I tagged you if you get a minute. xoxoxo
I love it! I think I might have to steal that idea for next Halloween!
Jen I need your email I am going private soon.
Hey Jenilyn, this is Lani from BYU-H. Congrats on your engagement! And, can I just say, I'm impressed you got your man to dress up. Mine would rather die. :)
Jen..Send me your e-mail so I can send you the info about the packages and the family shoot!
Oh my gosh that is such a fun idea!!! I'm so glad you started a blog. Check mine out anytime, although I haven't been keeping up with it too well lately. Hopefully that will all change now that it is getting cold and I have nothing else to do! Congratulations on your engagement and I hope I get an invite to the reception! The story was so funny and sweet. Looks like you found a keeper. He's a cutie!!
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