Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I can't thank the Asians enough for Wasabi, or the Mexicans for cilantro.....2 things I can't/won't live without....and don't even get me started on the India-ans and their buttered chicken curry.  I recently diagnosed myself with a severe addiction to nail polish.  Is it something in the air? Rehab is out of the question. Is it just a phase?  Who knows.  I feel like we need more snow.  There's just not enough snow.  How can I listen to Christmas music without a blustery blizzard blowing through?  I completely underestimated the power of rice crispy treats.  I don't think I have ever actually MADE them until this season....it was totally necessary.  I have been to Bath & Body Works at least 6 times since Thanksgiving, you can bet your bottom dollar that if you were down and out and didn't have soap or lotion....I could and would donate to your cause....I'd have you smelling like the holidays in no time.  I have a mouse problem.  I thought I killed it by putting some decon out for it to eat....not so....he's a live and well.....I cannot bring myself to set out a trap....that seems very inhumane.  Maybe it'll just be my "pet" in a weird.....rodent...way.  I need a name for him....it's gotta be a "him" b/c he's really shy and never comes up to me to ask me for my number....I'm convinced it's a male mouse.  Suggestions?

1 comment:

Marek said...

Are you on crack?! LMAO. This post just keeps going from one topic to the next, and I can SO see you saying it to me at high speeds.