Saturday, January 14, 2012


I might be burnt out.  Ok, I am burnt out.  Bad news's the first week of's that.  I need energy, I need motivation, I need I need gimme gimme.  Do I sound like I'm 5 yrs old?  Sorry for the vent sesh guys.  I started this semester of school and there are like no cool people.  My classes are full of weirdos, which is probably ironic because they probably think the same thing about me.  Oh well, I can't be bothered.  I have 2 semesters, count 'em TWO semesters (or oh-vest-ers depending on who you talk to) and I'm am outroz.... finito....donezo.....kaput.  Are you excited?  I might have a paper chain countdown, don't rule that out.  I've always heard there's a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm almost certain I'll be able to see it come May (which is also my birthday month, let's not forget that imperative tidbit).  Ahhhhh I feel better.  See, blogs are so good for you didn't know.
I just saw "War Horse" today, cried three separate times...completely unexpected.  You should probably see it if you haven't.  Not probably. Go see it.  Hey if you guys have any pointers for a little motivation shoot
'em my way.  Is it spring time yet?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I wish I had pictures to post of my extremely uneventful, but perfect New Year's Eve.  Siaki and I went over to my parents house to participate in our New Year's tradition.  My parents order chinese food and have all sorts of goodies to munch on, and we eat, and play games and watch movies.  That probably sounds like a boring New Year's to all you folks, but it was perfect.  I was with my loved ones and we were all safe, warm, and happy.  Being "home for the holidays" is such a wonderful thing.  I am so grateful for my family.  Naturally I have a ton of resolutions to get started of which is to take MORE pictures to post on this thang!  But seriously guys, I do have a ton of resolutions, I gotta narrow them down....Oprah says to pick 2 or 3 that are do-able, that you KNOW you'll be able to accomplish.  That Oprah really knows what she's talking about right?  (I'm totally being sarcastic).  I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season!!!  Looking forward to this new year!