I love my job. Really, I do. WRA gave me an all expense paid trip to the majestic moutains we know as the Uintas, complete with 11 teenage girls (in my group alone) and all the diversions thereof. 36 miles later, I am back in town camouflaged by mosquitos bites (I have mozzie bites in the most unmentionable places) scratches, and bruises. What did I learn?
*I have a serious dependancy on lotion and garbage cans
*I sleep well enough atop the inflexible earth that I can hike 10 miles in a day, keep 11 teenage girls in check, make my own meals, carry a 40lb backpack uphills (plural), maintain an outstanding attitude, mend wounds (both physical and emotional), read a map, and purify my own water.
*The addiction to my phone has little to no side effects...no withdrawals were experienced...When I needed to take digital notes I couldn't....so whatever needed to be written down was simply forgotten. Ps...I was gone for 2 weeks and I had 18 missed calls...and 281 (complete truth) txt msgs....I believe OTHER ppls addictions (to their phones) are greater than mine.
*Hiking, rappelling, horseback riding, and tubing down the river in the same day will award you the best night's sleep of your life.
*Dirt is inevitable... I dealt with it.
*Bobcats are not as dangerous as we think....neither are bears
*The wilderness is really not that bad.
*I am not a Princess....I did things in the wilderness that a "Princess" would never do.
When it comes right down to it, this trip was completely, totally, and utterly out of my comfort zone BUT it was the most fulfilling, satisfying, boundary breaking, a-ha moment making, confidence building, memory making, relationship building, experience that left me in quite a state. I am thrilled that I did it....I can certainly do anything now can't I (that is a statement not a question).

Wow. I mean WOW.
You are a trooooper...I mean, seriously.....hands down, cause I promise you, you will NEVER ever ever see me doing something like this. I hate camping....let alone anything else that doesnt include lotion and running water. Hells no. But you did a great job girl!! good work!!!
jenilyn! i love you for covering for me! did you really see a bear or are you pulling my chain??
I AM SOOOOO JEALOUS!!! and my favorite line is " Im not a princess... I did things in the woods a princess would never do"...hahaha I'm sure you did! Loved this reading!
Quite impressive lady...I mean it!
W.o.w. I complain about piddly weekend camping trips that involve an air mattress, somebody else cooking, and flushing toilets. I so admire you right now, especially because, like you, this would be totally out of my comfort zone. In spite of that, though,it looks like so much fun! I almost wish somebody would fore me to go on a trip like this (and, you know, pay for it).
From your mother: You cannot scare a bobcat with a broom! I trained you to lock your doors when you get in the car--your next lesson is stay AWAY from bobcats!
I cannot believe how many texts you had. Proof of your amazingness right there. I don't get that many in a week. haha!!
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